Wood does not pollute the environment, ¡¡ it cleans ¡¡, use of raw materials to manufacture products for everyday use and waste generation are one of those responsible for the existence of environmental problems as global warming. The use of wooden products helps the environment.
Because wood...
• is a clean, green and 100% recyclable raw material.
• in a world where raw materials are depleted, is a renewable and inexhaustible resource while using appropriate management techniques. In Europe 70% of forests are 'semi-natural', i.e. the man is involved in their management and control, enhancing the growth of trees.
• helps to protect against climate change. Over 60% of the causes of the greenhouse effect are caused by the massive emissions of CO2. The wood helps prevent climate change because when the tree breathes out, it absorbs large amounts of C02, which by the action of solar energy are converted into wood later on. A cubic meter of timber retains within it a ton of atmospheric C02 that has been absorbed by the tree from the atmosphere to breathe out.
• well managed forests ensures a higher CO2 sink effect of the wood.
• manufacture does not consume fossil energy as it comes from the sun.
• their wastes do not produce negative environmental impacts.
• do not pollute! very little power for machining and processing is used and also it usually comes from their own waste (biomass). It is a clean material and contributes very effectively to clean and decontaminate the environment.
• it almost does not leave wastes, its efficiency is total - anything goes - and at the end of its useful life it can be used to produce green energy.
¡¡ Helps to prevent contamination when other type of energies are used ¡¡
Several agencies (FSC, PEFC ...) allow global certifying of the sustainability of timber production. The timber industry recognizes that the future of its raw material is closely linked to forest management worldwide. Therefore international certification systems exist to ensure that the wood comes from sustainably managed forests.
Promote wood construction keeps our forests clean and productive, increasing forest areas and generating rural employment. Forests which are kept clean do not burn and forests which do not burn help to improve the climate by regulating the water cycle, avoiding runoffs, sequestering atmospheric CO2 and being major suppliers of additional services to the global society.
• in its transformation process is off-the-grid due to the fact that the low quantity of energy required for cutting, drying, etc. usually comes from burning their own wastes (bark, sawdust ...).
• save energy in all phases of building processes. Being a lightweight material, it uses smaller amounts of energy for shipping and transportation on site. You need a 4000% less energy to manufacture the same product in aluminum and less than 630% if it should be made of steel.
• all sub-products have a possible application: energy recovery for power and heat production (biofuels), chipboard manufacturing in all its forms (particles, fibres, OSB, composite), composting... even ashes, because of its non-toxicity, are useful for fertilization of agricultural soils. Therefore wood is the building material that requires less energy to be produced.
• is a material with high energy efficiency, is very competent with respect to levels of energy loss, mainly heat, i.e. heat transfer between a hot and a cold site is easier to minimize compared with competing materials (aluminium and PVC) as the timber is inherently insulating material whose porous internal structure filled with air represents the best thermal and acoustic insulation.
• is ideal for windows, compared with its competitors (on an equal footing) has lower thermal transmittance values (thermal transmittance, measured in W/m2K is an indicative of the energy efficiency related to an external enclosure, as it indicates the amount of energy that flows through a surface, when a temperature gradient between outside and inside exists) and it is the epitome of energy efficiency as it can reduce substantially the costs for heating and/or cooling.
Wood is an excellent building material.
As regards of its qualities, wood has being used by man as an structural material for thousands of years.
• has healthy properties because it absorbs electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, televisions and computers and it regulates moisture inside of the houses.
• there are wood products with excellent soundproofing isolation as chipboards and wood-cement boards.
• it allows simple connections by means of adhesives or mechanical elements.
• easy to perform upgrades, repairs and modifications without difficulty.
• promotes do it yourself tasks.
• meets the most stringent regulations affecting building materials.
• is highly resistant to fire - a fire resistance of up to 90 minutes is easy to get, in fact wood panels are used to protect steel structures against fire. It also has a better response to fire than aluminium and PVC. In case of combustion gases not as toxic as for example PVC are produced. In comparison with aluminum, in case of fire does not undergo deformation, and given the slow combustion of wood, maintains its structural properties a longer time.
• is highly resistant to aggressive environments, saline, corrosive, etc.
• allows large spans in structures, using laminated wood.
• promotes design, innovation, improvement of productivity and taste for nature.
• allows much of the construction works to be done in the workshop.
• has shown that properly used can last hundreds of years.
• is lightweight and tough; safe, beautiful, warm, comfortable and cosy houses are built with it.
Wood has excellent qualities as a building material. It is tough, easy to handle and work-machining even using hand tools, encourages prefab and dry buildings and hence less labour and increased productivity. It has an excellent fire behaviour, it provides an excellent thermal and acoustic insulation, prevents proper acoustic-reverberation, absorbs harmful electromagnetic radiation; some wood products (high-density boards) can achieve high levels of sound insulation. Protected by design or specific treatment is everlasting, it is beautiful, warm, natural, it is organic, recyclable, it is ...